Image A – "Map of the Maneuver District near American Lake"
(click image to enlarge)

Image B – "[Buffalo soldiers
of the 25th Infantry]"
(click image to enlarge)

Buffalo Soldiers in Washington State, 1880s-1940s
Link to webpage, "Buffalo Soldiers and Washington State," posted by the
9th & 10th Horse Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers Museum (Tacoma, WA).
Washington National Guard Pamphlet: The Official History of the Washington National Guard, Volume 5: Washington National Guard in World War I (©1960s).
​Chapter 2, pp. 21-27, "Washington National Guard Maneuvers With, The Regular Army - 1904-12." (This pamphlet is part of the The Official History of the Washington National Guard series).
Historical Note: Chapter 2 describes the maneuvers that took place at American Lake with the Brown team, which included part of the Buffalo Soldiers encamped on Sequalitchew Creek from July 5 to July 18, 1904.
(Image A) "Map of the Maneuver District near American Lake, Wash." (Under the direction of Capt. A.S. Rowan, 19th Infantry) ©1904
(Image B) "[Buffalo soldiers of the 25th Infantry, some wearing buffalo robes, Ft. Keogh, Montana]," ©1890
(Visit the Library of Congress collection page for full item details)-
Historical Note: The 25th Infantry Regiment was one of four regiments that formed the Buffalo Soldiers.
​(Image C) "[Buffalo Soldier, 9th Cavalry, Company D, sharpshooter collar insignia]," ©1880-1890
(Visit the Library of Congress collection page for full item details)
(Image D) "Troop A, Ninth U.S. Cavalry—Famous Indian Fighters," ©1898
(Visit the Library of Congress collection page for full item details)-
Historical Note​: This stereograph was taken during the Spanish American War.​
Image C – "[Buffalo Soldier,
9th Calvary, Company D]"
(click image to enlarge)

Image D –
"Troop A, Ninth U.S. Cavalry"
(click image to enlarge)